Saturday, August 3, 2019

Girl Friends

I am on my way to reviving this digital scrapbooking blog.😍

It's been yearssssss since I last made a digital scrapbooking piece and it has been yearsssss since I updated this blog. As I am trying to find ways to positively and productively spend my energies, I decided to go back to digital scrapbooking. It was a good de-stressor before, it may as well be a good means to destress now.

For my first "revival" entry, I would like to pay tribute to my special set of girl friends. We might have known each other for a shorter period of time, but our common experiences and our shared set of values have made our bond stronger despite the short span of time that we have know and we have spent with each other. To my Balabac Beauty sisters, I will always be thankful for having you in my life. 😘

Credits: Rustic Reflections Kit from

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